Capture & Organize all of your favorite quotes
in one intuitive app
One place to store your nuggets of wisdom from your Kindle, paperbacks, audible, and library books. Our AI-powered app will retrieve and organize your newfound wisdom —
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Effortless Quote Collection
Read or Listen
Book Journal recognizes your current book, suggesting the last one you opened or mentioning in conversation.
Save Quotes
Save your fav quotes no matter if it's audible, paperback, or "un-markable" books like library books… We got you covered!
Reflect & JRNL
Enjoy journaling space to unpack your thoughts about each quote your save and add tags to easily revisit your thoughts
AI-Powered Transcription
Take a picture of your highlighted paperback
Our AI accurately recognizes and transcribes highlighted text from photographed pages.
Library Book Option
Can't highlight because it's a library book? No problem, Book JRNL will transcribe your image and allow you to erase what you don't want to keep
Audible & Podcast
Transcribe quotes directly into your Book JRNL from audible or your favorite podcast
Create Tags
Tag your quotes to create a thematic list of inspiratino for later (i.e. purpose, love, habit)
Book JRNL will be available for download soon on both major mobile platforms.
iOS App Store
Google Play Store
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